Friday, June 24, 2011

Last day of 6th grade:(

Cheers, to a GREAT 6th grade

Wow I haven't written a blog in SoOoOoOoO long and I apologize but things have just been very cRaZy lately! The 1st thing I want to write about the last day of school (one of the saddest days ever). I got out of school on June 9th and my whole grade went to the park and had a water fight and everything was going great until the last 20 minutes that we had left before going back to the school because that's when I completely lost it! Just looking at all my best friends made  me so sad. I have had such a great time at Channing Hall and even though it was tough at times my friends always helped me through it all. I truly do love/hate Channing for many reasons but it's time for a change. There were lots of tears and hugs on June 9th, and all I have to say is that it's been an AMAZING journey...Goodbye Channing Hall. 
Say whaaaat??

Quick pic!
Me and Parks! I looove her!

The 2 girls that are leaving taking a pic with my best bud Nate

Best friends... from now on, until the very end
I love my friends!

Are craziness is what makes us have so much fun

Me and Fran. I love her!
And of course Max is trying to cheer us up even when we are bawling our eyes out
"Oh look a fire truck!"

I'm gonna miss you guys...and all the good memories we had! xoxoxo

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